What booking conditions are there?
You can check all the information in the following link of Condiciones de Reserva.
What are the reservation fees?
You can check the fees in the following link Reservas.
What’s the time to leave the house?
The entrance will be from 16h and 21h, the exit will be before 12h.
How can I pay for my stay?
By bank transfer to the account number that we will provide you when contacting us, Paypal or Credit Card through our website.
If we arrive in Bologna in the morning, we must wait until 4 o'clock to enter the house?
Our commitment is that at 4 o’clock, the house will be in perfect condition to be occupied again. As far as possible and for your convenience we will facilitate your entry before that time, whenever possible.
Our trip has had an incidence and we will arrive later of the 21h, we will have problems in making the check-in?
In case of delays or incidents, we always ask you to advise us so that we can be attentive to your arrival and have the option to help you, either with directions, with some alternative for arrival or to solve the incident. In case of no notice of the delay we will understand that you have simply not introduced yourselves and the house will be available from 21h of the day of the planned entry for other guests who occasionally contact us.
Pets are allowed here?
Yes, pets are allowed.
If our return is in the afternoon or evening, we can leave later than 12 o'clock?
We can facilitate the delay of the departure of 12h, depending on the arrival of the next guest.
I can extend my stay in the house once there?
Yeah, as long as there’s availability.
What documentation I must submit for the reservation?
ID, NIE or valid passport
There is Parking Lot?
Parking will take place on the public road, which in Bologna is free.