In a unique natural environment, surrounded by coastal pine groves and Mediterranean scrub, extends the beach of Bologna, between the growing dune to the north and the tip of the Morena to the south, the beach can be divided into four sections depending on its characteristics. The first stretch extends in front of the Bolonia Dune, a giant active dune, which rises above the pine grove located in Punta Camarinal. The coastal rocky structure of the point begins the curvilinear form of the Cala del Tesorillo at the foot of the dune, this stretch ends with the mouth of the seasonal stream of ²Las Viñas, next to which some boats are usually stranded. The second section is in front of the remains of Baelo Claudia.
Since the 2nd century B.C. the ancient columns of the City Baelo Claudia have guarded the inlet of Bolonia. The arrival of vessels from the African continent, the traditional tuna fishing in the traps or the growth of the immense dune, are some of the experiences of this Roman construction.
The third section is located in front of the old fishing and agricultural centre of Lentiscal, which has undergone over the last few decades an important change and transformation to a residential, hotel and restaurant use, unplanned, associated with rural tourism and sports. The fourth stretch extends from the mouth of the stream of the Rabbit, taking place a gradual ascent of the coast that generates a high cliff, at the base, several sandy limestones are interspersed with rocky platforms limiting their access to low water. At the south end, stone slabs form natural pools as far as the most daring users go to enjoy pleasant baths in a peaceful space.
Dune, with more than 30 meters of height and 200 of width, stands out within the vast dune system to which it belongs. Located in the inlet of Bolonia, within the Natural Park of the Strait, it is one of the least transformed and urbanized areas of the Cadiz coast, housing important natural and landscape values.
The group, called barjanal because of its dunes in crescent perpendicular to the wind and with uneven slopes, is one of the few transgressive of Andalusia, that is, of the few that continue advancing inland. Fed by the east wind, they advance towards the pine grove, which is repopulated with scrub and of high ecological value.
In short, a group that forms a paradise of golden sand and crystal clear waters chosen from one of the 10 best beaches in the world, at the Travellers Choicetm Playas Awards 2015 of Tripadvisor.
The Strait (Nature Reserve, Mediterranean Intercontinental Biosphere Reserve, SAC, SPA)
Declared a natural park in 2003, consisting of almost 19000 hectares, it covers a large part of the coastal area close to the Strait. The importance of this space is determined by the fact that it is a strategic point of migration for a multitude of species that use this space of the European continent to make the leap to Africa. In addition to containing some spaces of singular characteristics and beauty. Environmental values are joined by a great deal of socio-cultural values because it is an area through which many civilizations have passed over the years.